Monday, October 28, 2013


Waking up to this, and a lot of frozen coldness, fills us with excitement tinged with dread this early in the season. We could still have some warm days before our real snow begins the last week of December. In the meantime, just in case we don't have warm days, we had better hurry and finish our winter preparations.

This used to be my garden, obviously it's gone - to be replaced with a lawn in Spring. I already went through the 'pain of separation' this past summer. It was hard 'parting', but my gardening days are over!

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  1. Oh my goodness! Looks like the hills (mountains) around our place! We did not get any snow down here in the yard, but it's out there. And now, at noon on Tuesday, it's 36 degrees. I'm loving this, snuggling in with my electric blanky at night. The gas fireplace is going, Schnitzel (the bratty Dachsie) is in his bed in front of the fireplace, all tucked in with his baby blanky on him. Get ready for winter!

  2. We are in for more snow and cold and if not that, then just plain rain, this month. I keep forgetting that in high desert, like you are in, it gets very cold fast! Well, we'll all snuggle up!
