Friday, February 15, 2013

Daily Life

Family and Friends,

I've never 'blogged' before, and I hope that as I learn this becomes easier and more creative. I plan to make weekly entries to this diary - mostly about what we're doing, pictures of our chores and projects - instead of numerous emails.

Once everyone gets this 'blogspot' address ( they can read the updates about my neck/back treatments and any news around here.

So far, my treatments are uncomfortable - very. But it's taken 30 years for my neck, especially, to get in this condition. After week two of treatments I'll write more about the diagnosis/treatment plan.

I'm anxious to see if this works.....


1 comment:

  1. Yay! There's your smiling face! So happy to see you, and so happy you started your blog. Prayers are with you all, and I'll be hopping on here to hear all the news. Tell Bob and the kids hello for us.
