Friday, May 10, 2013

Charlie's Toys and Gardening

My brother Charlie is very creative, and he's always into a fun creative project - or several! When we were in Alameda in 2011 he had several nice succulent wall hangings - live!, and numerous welding projects.  He welded our brand that night for us (will post soon). BUT what are these toys? I'm guessing these have to do with his kite sailing videos - chime in!

He also makes these screen doors and gates special order. The spider and the fly move - see Comments at end of post. Bob loves this:

For a few years, he also made glass jewelry and other items. I wonder where we get it? Please send pix of what's happening in your life for all of us to see!


Finally - finally I'm in the yard as much as I can handle - about an hour a day (99% of garden work is back work!)

My fledgling herb garden and THE GREEN GARDEN CHAIR...

I picked out a cute poem called Window Boxes, and I liked it and more than that it matched this picture of my volunteer pansies and Mom's old window boxes. Then Bob read the poem out loud. That was the end of the sweet poem for me, now I just laugh when I read it, but you decide.

Window Boxes
Eleanor Farjeon

A window box of pansies
Is such a happy thing.
A window box of wallflowers
Is a garden for a king.
A window box of roses
Makes everyone stand still
Who sees a garden growing
On a window sill.

We had these for dinner the other night - they're bolting early because it's been so hot! Below is Bob's lettuce and his strawberries.

Alpine (or wild or woodland) strawberries - smaller and not marketable, but so sweet!

Every year I grow these Bleeding Hearts - they're the first flowers "up" in the patio and every years it's so refreshing to see them.



  1. well sherry the stuff on my wall is rc gliders and quad chopter....aka drones
    that i put a gopro camera on

    the door is kind of cool the spider is the door knocker it gos up and down the fly is the door knob it gos side to side

  2. I knew I'd never quite figure it out. I think Bob saw the door when he was down there 'cause he talks about the door a lot. the moving spider sounds so cool! thanks for info!
