Monday, April 7, 2014

A Poem for Liz

Liz has been promoted to a full time, permanent position at the PD where she works in the Records Department. We are so proud of her, she's had a lot of procedures and codes to learn, and several tests to take. She now has benefits like vacation time and insurance, and other than the one year probation she has, she really loves her job. Congratulations! New car, new job, - wow!

Aside from that happy news, I found a Shel Silverstein poem ( her favorite poet) that perfectly describes one aspect of her childhood. Here it is:

The band-aids on the left are empty wrappers - no band-aids in the boxes either. 


I have a Band-Aid on my finger,
One on my knee, and one on my nose,
One on my heel, and two on my shoulder,
Three on my elbow, and nine on my toes.
Two on my wrist, and one on my ankle,
One on my chin, and one on my thighs
Four on my belly, and five on my bottom,
One on my forehead, and one on my eye.
One on my neck, and in case I might need 'em
I have a box full of thirty-five more.
But oh! I do think it's sort of a pity
I don't have a cut or a sore!


For years, we would stock up on band-aids, three and four boxes at one time, only to see them completely gone -way too fast, and wrappers left in their stead,  when we really needed them. The band-aid bandit has has slowed down,  but not really stopped!


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