Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shoulder Update

I've been to the medical massage therapist about 9 times. I'll see the Doctor on the 17th of November to add another rehabilitation step. I'm much more wobbly after softening the muscles of my shoulder/neck/upper back. The massage therapist has found and released quiite a few trigger points or muscle knots - I really felt them- but not "the one" yet.  On top of all of the vertigo, squinting, pain, etc., I have been getting one virus after another which makes the nerve symptoms worse of course!

One of the inflamed tendons I have is the sub- scapularis, which is next to the rib, sort of under the lower part of the  arm pit. The mt and I could really feel it or the nerve there move like it was twitching back and forth, which normally it doesn't do, so that was good, and it is very sore! So same ole! Still begging prayers and good thoughts! Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Is this all good progress? It sounds painful, but worth it if it is helping, eh?

    Have a great Thanksgiving, and stay warm. Are you having snow up there yet? Portland is being iced and snowed today!
