Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Back To Square One

Happy Eastertide! The weather here has been warm for us, 65 - 70 degrees, but sometimes it's windy and overcast to remind us that it isn't Spring yet. We actually BBQ'd on Easter after Mass and had what I thought was a very relaxing, if not traditional, meal.

Liz has been gathering ideas for her '21 Acts of Random Kindness' she's doing to celebrate her 21st birthday coming up. I really like this idea. She has a lot of 'acts suggestions' from friends and family, but she would love more (especially cheap or free ideas) so leave a comment here below or send me, or her, an email. 

Some 'acts ideas' are: filling all the car meters on a busy street, bringing thank you's and candy to nurses at hospital and coloring books/crayons to hospitalized kids, lots of 'paying it forward' suggestions, bring free snacks for Frank's work - already done!, and more I can't remember. Much better idea than getting drunk because now 'you're old enough' - and, actually, she told a friend she's old enough to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean she does them...She also has a Piano Performance exam in May for her Royal Conservatory of Music program that she's studying for (and fretting about!)

Frank is plugging away at work and online classes - busy boy. Bob is working hard around the house, he's trying to pick up my slack - there are definitely things I can't do  -yet - and trying to catch up with for his campaign year 'off'. As usual, he's in really good health, good shape and so FUNNY! With Bob, as you all know, his cup is always full and over flowing - mine is usually half empty and drying up rapidly, so, he really helps me to see the brighter side of things!

Speaking of my cup: I've been sick with a stomach/head cold bug for about a week and it has made my neck/spine problems much more painful and the other symptoms worse also. So I've been sort of back to square one while waiting for this bug to end so I can resume my treatments. More later on that!

Thank you for the funny email forwards, Easter and Get Well cards, good wishes and prayers! 



  1. Hehe! Mommy got hacked by her lovely daughter! Love your blog mom, its really wonderful:) xoxox <3
